Sting & Stretch: Scorpion Flow Yoga | Level 2 – 45 mins

With Roberto Bitetto.
Welcome to ‘Sting & Stretch: Scorpion Flow Yoga’, where we embrace the dynamic
and transformative energy of the scorpion pose. Join us as we delve into the depths
of this powerful asana, combining strength, flexibility, and balance to unlock your
body’s full potential. Through mindful movements and deep breaths, we navigate the
flow, embracing the challenges and rewards that come with each posture. Let’s
explore the synergy of strength and serenity as we journey through this invigorating
practice together. Are you ready to unleash your inner scorpion? Let’s flow!

Ladder Warrior Flow – 45 mins

With Shane Lennon.
Join Shane for this exhilarating, intense ladder flow yoga class – a dynamic and challenging practice designed to take your yoga journey to new heights.
Prepare to sweat, strengthen and stretch. You’ll move through the ladder flow, unlocking your body’s full potential, enhancing flexibility, balance and mental focus.
Whether you’re an experienced yogi looking to push your boundaries or a beginner ready to embrace a new challenge, this intense ladder flow yoga class offers a transformative experience that will leave you feeling invigorated and further connected to your body and breath.