Breath of Bliss: A Holistic Yoga Practice – 30 mins

With Snehaa Midha.

This is a relaxed practice, beginning your journey towards inner harmony and rejuvenation with Snehaa Midha.
In this practice, Snehaa guides you through an enriching experience that combines asana, pranayama and meditation. As the class unfolds, she will lead you through a carefully sequenced series of yoga postures, designed to promote mobility and balance. Through mindful movement and conscious breathing, you will cultivate a deeper connection between your body, mind and spirit, fostering a sense of harmony and vitality.
You will transition seamlessly into pranayama and meditation, the ancient practice of breath control, where you will go through a few breathing techniques and a short meditation that will calm the mind, promoting a sense of centeredness. As you conclude this holistic practice, you will find yourself anchored in a state of deep relaxation and inner balance.

Hatha for Shoulder Care – 60 mins

With Aga Chojnacka.
This hatha yoga class is designed to help you care for your shoulders. We’ll begin with gentle stretches, to warm up the shoulders and upper back, then move into poses that will help to strengthen and stabilise the shoulder joints.
Expect to practice poses such as cow face pose, eagle arms, and bow pose, which will all help to release tension in the shoulders and upper back. With a focus on alignment and breath, this shoulder care class will leave you feeling more aware and connected to your body.
This class is perfect for anyone looking to take preventative measures or treat shoulder issues.