Pilates Beginners Course – Part 3 : Foundations for a Mat Class – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi. Part 3 : Foundations for a Mat Class
Understanding the Pilates principles in Part 1 and the body alignment principles in Part 2 will help you perform the foundational mat exercises. Maider will break down in this class some of the fundamental mat exercises. These exercises are simple but intricate, and they are key to performing more complex exercises.

Pilates Beginners Course – Part 2 : Neutral Spine, Core and Body Alignment – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi. Part 2 : Neutral Spine, Core and Body Alignment
Pilates should improve awareness of body alignment. This class is dedicated to exploring the neutral pelvis and how the body aligns around the position of the pelvis. Building on the learning from the previous class, you will be introduced to the connection of breath and core.

Pilates Beginners Course – Part 1 : Pilates Key Principles and Breathing – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi. Part 1 : Pilates Key Principles and Breathing.
During this class Maider will guide you through the principles that make Pilates not just an exercise but a mind–body practice. You will be introduced to how breathing is fundamental to the practice, in getting greater benefit from the Pilates exercises.

Intro to Splits, Afternoon Practice (45 mins)

With Aga Chojnacka.
The second of two classes that will address the splits. The ideal time for this first class is the afternoon or evening.
This practice is to be enjoyed in the afternoon, as a continuation of your morning practice – but equally, it can be combined with part one, taken all at once. We invite you to come back to this practice and explore different approaches. This slow-pace class will leave you grounded and equipped with a few tricks on how to deepen your splits safely.