Yoga for Hip Mobility – 45 mins

With Maider Arrausi.

This practice has an emphasis on the hips. It’s vital that we keep our hip joints mobile: hours of sitting, particularly as cold weather sets in, sinks into our body.
Maider will guide through an invigorating practice, to keep your bones warm during the darker days. This is a challenging and accessible flow for all levels.

Fire Flow – Twists – 40 mins

With Maider Arrausi.
Twists in elemental yoga are related to fire, an element that’s always in motion. In many ways – both literal and figurative – fire gives us mobility, power, warmth, transformation and light. Maider will guide you through a twisty sequence to ignite the fire within, build up some heat and maybe nourish your inner creativity and inspiration.

Balancing Flow – 45 mins

With Maider Arrausi.
Balancing poses help to improve steadiness in the ankle joints, strengthen the core and legs, and enhance focus. They also help bring attention to the present moment, giving us direct feedback when we are not fully present.
During this class, Maider will guide your approach to a number of balancing poses, giving easier and more challenging variations.

Summer Pilates – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi.
A light-hearted and flowy practice to keep your spine mobile, your core active and your energy boosted. Maider will guide you through a sequence that you can keep coming back to; the simple movements become interesting when done with detail. There will be options to stay at a level that you can control, or you can progress to more intermediate exercises.

Pilates Beginners Course – Part 3 : Foundations for a Mat Class – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi. Part 3 : Foundations for a Mat Class
Understanding the Pilates principles in Part 1 and the body alignment principles in Part 2 will help you perform the foundational mat exercises. Maider will break down in this class some of the fundamental mat exercises. These exercises are simple but intricate, and they are key to performing more complex exercises.

Pilates Beginners Course – Part 2 : Neutral Spine, Core and Body Alignment – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi. Part 2 : Neutral Spine, Core and Body Alignment
Pilates should improve awareness of body alignment. This class is dedicated to exploring the neutral pelvis and how the body aligns around the position of the pelvis. Building on the learning from the previous class, you will be introduced to the connection of breath and core.

Pilates Beginners Course – Part 1 : Pilates Key Principles and Breathing – 30 mins

With Maider Arrausi. Part 1 : Pilates Key Principles and Breathing.
During this class Maider will guide you through the principles that make Pilates not just an exercise but a mind–body practice. You will be introduced to how breathing is fundamental to the practice, in getting greater benefit from the Pilates exercises.

Twisty Flow to Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvijasana) – 45 mins

With Maider Arrausi.
Twists have the quality of being calming and yet energising; they activate the digestive system and restore the natural range of motion to the spine.
In this twisty flow, Maider will guide you through a variety of deep twisting asanas and lead you to a peak pose, Bird of Paradise, with lots of options to deconstruct it. This practice will activate the fire within and bring a calming quality to the mind.

Mandala Flow to Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvijasana) – 45 mins

With Maider Arrausi.
Mandala flows are creative and beautiful; they challenge concentration and trust by moving in 360 degrees around the mat. In this energising and accessible flow, Maider will deconstruct birds of paradise, giving lots of variations. Bird of paradise is a standing-balance pose that is believed to build confidence, boost energy and fight fatigue.